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5 Reasons Why Outsourcing Your Business Marketing is Ideal

5 Reasons Why Outsourcing Your Business Marketing is Ideal

As a business that’s just starting or already established but who wants to grow, why should you consider outsourcing your marketing? I can go on for days about the reasons, there are so many good ones but let’s break it down to the top 5.

1.            Fresh Viewpoint

I tell my clients all the time, when I start with their business strategy, I approach it with fresh eyes as their consumers would. With this said, I find it an essential need  to have outside opinions looking in at the business idea, project, new launch or product. Sometimes I find my clients are too close to their business or product, which can lead to tunnel vision and also groupthink which will discuss in the next point. Marketing agencies like my FOCUS Marketing & Development Solutions thrive on capitalizing on the most up-to-date business and marketing trends. In this digital, social, viral world of marketing, having great content facilitated by fresh ideas is crucial to maximize your goals results.

2.            Out of the Box Thinking

As said above, when the staff have been around each other for long periods, just like relationships, we start acting and thinking a lot alike. This is great for one aspect of a corporate culture when it comes to great work ethics and execution, but when it comes to marketing, especially with the creative aspects, it is not ideal. This is why advertising agencies are always a big hit in many countries, because they are not only bringing a fresh viewpoint but also comes with out of the box thinking. Strategic Marketing requires creativity and creativity requires out of the box thinking to best serve the customer and their business goals.

3. Save Money by Reduced Overhead Cost

It can get very expensive to have an in-house marketing  person, yet alone a full team to accomplish what all you need. Not only will your HR and training departments thank you for outsourcing vs dealing with possible turnover, but you will also save money and add to your bottom line because guess what, you don’t have to pay salaries and benefits. All of my clients outsourcing needs vary, some may want to have a day-to-day person on staff , more of like an admin for executing my strategic marketing vision and plans with me. Other clients hire my firm to do it all, and the great thing is that I get to work with and bring my client the top talents within the marketing industry from film, media, video, etc that they might not have had access to with in house staff because many of the top creatives are solo fliers, they don’t like to be tied down to a 24-7 team. If you are launching a product, having a promotional campaign, event or introducing a new service or store, then these are great times to bring in a marketing consultant to strategize, create and execute, if you don’t need the day-to-day marketing execution.

4. Remain Consistent

There are many false notions that from time to time circulate on the benefits of having long tenured staff in every discipline, but that can’t be further from the truth, for marketing however. When it comes to marketing, finding the right agency that is skilled, qualified, experienced like FOCUS Marketing will allow for consistency of brand message, concept and voice while also ensuring branding and marketing is always fresh, up to date and not a dead end.


5. Great ideas, Marketing Specialists

Marketing specialists like me specialize in niche areas, whether it be industries, regions, technology, demographics or other, and this is great so our clients can benefit from tenured professional in their specific industries who can bring knowledge from the industry does and don’t vs a narrow view from working at the same company doing it just that company way. Having expertise focused in your industry helps by bringing industry trends, technology, automation and others to my clients who may not be aware due to their locale, limited staff or resources. This is also better when you have a global marketer like FOCUS to bring national, global, international concepts and trends to your business to become a market leader vs follower.

If you need help planning your marketing strategy, planning a product launch, new event or promotional campaign, email me today to discuss